hgeDistortionMesh helper class

hgeDistortionMesh is a HGE helper class allowing you to create effects like water, lenses, page wraps, various twists and even real-time morphing.

hgeDistortionMesh methods

Constructors Create and initalize hgeDistortionMesh object.
Operators hgeDistortionMesh operators.
Render Renders the distorted region of the texture.
Clear Clears the displacements and coloring of the mesh.
SetTexture Sets the texture to use for distortion.
SetTextureRect Sets the texture region to use for distortion.
SetBlendMode Sets the distortion mesh blending mode.
SetZ Sets Z-order for the specified distortion node.
SetColor Sets color for the specified distortion node.
SetDisplacement Sets displacement for the specified distortion node.
GetTexture Returns the current distortion mesh texture.
GetTextureRect Returns the current distortion mesh texture region.
GetBlendMode Returns the current distortion mesh blending mode.
GetZ Returns Z-order of the specified distortion node.
GetColor Returns color of the specified distortion node.
GetDisplacement Returns displacement of the specified distortion node.
GetRows Returns the number of distortion mesh rows.
GetCols Returns the number of distortion mesh columns.


Header: hgedistort.h
Import library: hgehelp.lib