
Renders a quad.

void Gfx_RenderQuad(
  const hgeQuad *quad


Pointer to a hgeQuad structure, describing the quad to be rendered.


Gfx_RenderQuad function must be called between the Gfx_BeginScene and Gfx_EndScene calls.

Quad is the basic HGE graphic primitive. See Quad structure section for more information about quads. If tex field of quad is 0, white color is used as texture data. Also note that each of 4 quad's vertices can have it's own color, alpha and Z-order. Quads are automatically adjusted to allow perfect rendering of joint quads without any additional screen and texture coordinates tweaking.

For performance reasons Gfx_RenderQuad accumulates consecutive quads with the same texture and blending mode and then renders them with a single call to DirectX. In most cases you will not see any difference and don't have to deal with this batching at all. But to be sure and safe it is recommended to group your Gfx_RenderQuad calls by texture and blending mode.


Header: hge.h
Import library: hge.lib

See also

Gfx_BeginScene, Gfx_EndScene, Quad structure